Sunday, August 12, 2012

Part 2: Getting Over My Fear of Heights and Secret Sandwich Society Induction

How did that button pop open?

Oh, that's how.

*We stole this photography idea from Katy and Bennett, two professional photographers that kick butt! You can check out their work here.* 

I really put my foot in my mouth this time. 

Yesterday morning I opened up a WV Living magazine and saw an ad to walk across the New River Gorge Bridge. It's called the "Cat Walk" because it's a very narrow bridge underneath the actual bridge. The New River Gorge Bridge is the second tallest bridge in the United States. This bridge is so great that out of all the things they could have put on the West Virginia quarter, they chose the bridge. Thank God. Have you seen some of the other states' quarters? They're not so cool. (There goes that WV pride again...) I mean, West Virginia could have chosen something from Charleston, or they could have used that red barn that's on driver's licenses, something I like to call, "The West Virginia Skyline." The bridge was the best pick by far. Anyways, here's how I really stepped in it.

Clerk: That's seventy-three dollars a piece, just sign this paper here.

Us: Uh, um, now that we think about it, I don't think we can afford it.

Me: Sorry, it's just that we're newlyweds so we can't exactly spend too much money. Maybe we'll come back later...

Clerk: You should have told me so! Doug, go ahead and harness them up. We'll give you a nice big discount (winks). If you'd a called ahead we'd have cupcakes for you! Don't worry about the price, you pay whatever you can pay when you get back. 

Oh gawd.... he thinks we just got married.....

Doug walks us out to the group that's waiting for us. Everyone in the group: Yay! Congratulations! (clapping, smiling)

Oh crap. I pull Eddie aside. "Listen, if they ask, we got married a month ago. July 2nd. It's a belated honeymoon." 

In the van, we get asked a lot of questions about our wedding. When I'm nervous, I smile more than humanely possible. When Eddie's nervous, he mumbles and makes more absurd jokes than usual. 

For the entire trip, Doug and the group kept doing really nice things for us. Speciality pictures, walking out first on the bridge, going first on the bus, etc.,  

Oh gosh, I am totally keeping my mouth shut about being newlyweds in the future. My face hurt so much from my nervous smiling. Haha! 

After the walk, Eddie and I were inducted into the Secret Sandwich Society. It was so delicious! But don't tell. Shhhh. 

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